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I Had A Blast!
by DaGriz
Don't knock it till ya try it. I had a blast, surfed till the point of exhaustion and went back out for more.  I've surfed many places and can say the "Banks" ranks up with the best I've had the pleasure to surf including but not limited to Hawaii and Australia. If any East-coasters find a half used Fuji water cam please process and post the pic.s.  You'll like what ya see.

Avon calling… Avon, N.C. that is.  Damn long drive from Raleigh to the Outer Banks.  I arrived in the early afternoon and just past the Inlet I noticed a spot with quite a few folks looking out to sea from the dunes.  There was a nice lil car park with open spaces so I parked the car and walked over for a look-sea.  Damn!  Head high + lines were breaking just offshore and there was very few people out.

Scanning the dunes I noticed a couple of guys checking out the line up.  At first glance I thought the board was a kneeboard but the guy looked familiar…hmmmmmmmmmmm.
Hey Rod???  It was Rod and Foon.  After quick introductions I ran back to my rental and changed, grabbed my board and hit it with Rod while Foon took up station in the dunes to snap some pic.s.  Several hours and quite a few very fun waves later
Rod indicated it was time to go open the house and we were off down the 12. 

What a great start.  I wasn't expecting such good waves but was damn glad to have them.  The rest of the crew filtered in and introductions were made all round.

Sunday groups went out in different directions in search of surf.  I opted to hit the beach in front of the house.  The surf seemed bigger and the beach was much steeper here in Avon.  The shore pound took some getting used to, as walls of white water waist high would come rolling in.  Once ya were about 15 – 20 yards out the rest of the paddle out was rather easy.  The set waves were breaking only a few hundred yards out, quite a difference from home breaks. After about three hours I came in and had some brunch and a few brews and was back out and ready for more.

The afternoon session was a hoot.  Regularly a set of big waves would come marching over the horizon and we would scramble out to meet them.  With the tide change the water cleaned up and turned a beautiful green, thunder storms rumbling in the distance added to the drama of the scene.  I hung outside and waited for the bigger waves.  Ya had to pick and choose as some of these would close out without much warning.

I remember dropping in on one going right and was quickly blinded by spray. I felt my way along and was still dropping and gaining speed and finally got a view of the shoulder and kept going.  I knew I had caught a big wave and was thinking I was going to make it when the lights went out.  My board was ripped from my hands and I didn't know which way was up, I got lucky and popped up but my board was nowhere in sight.  I finally spotted it about thirty yards inside and began swimming towards it but before I could reach it another wall of white water pushed it further inside.  I figured it was going all the way to the beach but it found a quiet spot between the bars and I was able to reach it and paddled back out. 

The storms were getting closer and it was harder to pick out the waves from the dark horizon.  I went in and took my turn cooking dinner. After dinner Foon took center stage and presented the GP awards.  I knew I'd get the distance award but the "down-the-line" freight train award was a surprise.  Whoooooooo hooooooo!

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Last updated on 01/25/04