Road To Hatteras (Part 1): Trying To Get Organized To Hit Da Trail!
by Dee Dee

Where I last left off, was on 9/27/01 (the day before I officially
became 1/2 of a century old & was reflecting on how very proud
I felt to be joining the most excellent company of all those beautiful,
shining & wise alt.surfing folks who had already passed over that
l'il threshold in the sea of time before me!).

I wrote that post whilst quite bleary-eyed, in-between packing
& trying to clean house ....before leaving for a 2 week adventure,
to travel southard along the Atlantic Seaboard, in anticipation of
being in the waves (and sharing good times) with some fine alt.surfing my very first Guidopalooza.

There's a whole lot to tell, but only for those who feel like reading
it....there's just a tiny bit, in this 3 (or 5)  part travelogue, about
actually's just about my trek down to Hatteras, and before
I met up with the actual surfing alt.surfers there. Just wanted to tell
you all the gist of my posts, before I start rambling on, so you folks
can decide whether you feel like wading thru 'em all!.

My actual GP surfing sessions will be included under another series
of posts which, because of my verbose nature (& because of how _very_
much I loved being there with all the alt.surfers who were able to
make it to GP2K1!!) will likely be a 7 part be
completed in full, by the end of this week!

All that having been said...Here goes nothin'!!!!!:

I felt this need to get my abode very clean & organized,
before hitting da GP the night before I left, I
started trying my best to deep clean my place.....and make
up for all the months I had just cleaned enough to make it
seem presentable, at first glance to others!

Plus all that, I was trying to pack, post updates to all
you folks who I love so much at alt.surfing....and try to
register & learn how to operate this dreaded l'il cell phone
that I had purchased a few hours earlier that night.....
just to ease my brothers' & aunts' & uncles' & cousins'
concerns about me heading out alone, on my own, to New York
 down the the Atlantic Seaboard, end result being the Outer
Banks of North Carolina, where they had all gotten wind
of the bull shark & all the tragedy that had occured there
just a few weeks earlier.

...they were all routing for me doing this adventure, because
they all love to travel & explore places, just as I do...and
none of them wanted to circum to fear, after all that had
happened in the last two weeks. All they asked, was that I
purchase a cell phone, so that I could call for help, should
the occasion arise & so that they could reach me, just in the
remote case of an emergency (they all promised me, that it
was the only reason why they would try to reach me...that's
one of the many reasons why I love 'em all so much).

Normally, I would have majorly balked at the thought.
I really don't want to own a cell phone, on principle!!!...
& even more so, because I have heard there can be some
real neurological risks, brain wise, in using one over time.

But, I love my family _very_ I wanted to listen
to (& respect) their concerns, under the circumstances,
so that they would all feel a-ok, about me being on da
proverbial open road! ....So, I went out & got the cheapest
one I  could find, the night before I left....just didn't know it
meant calling up a phone company the next morning to get
hooked up!!!...

What this meant was, that I spent an unexpected extra 2 hours,
before hitting da GP Trail that day, trying to learn how to
access that confounded, (yet potentially helpful!:o), l'il cell phone!!

But, That''s me, that just made it more of an

And, just for the sake of not rambling on endlessly in
one post....I shall now close & move on to trying to
write Part II, of my very remotely surf-related trek down
the Road To Hatteras (end result being finally reaching
location of GP2K1 & meeting some very, very find alt.
surfing surfers there!).

Dee 'If I Try To Edit This Post I'll Never Get It Written,
So I Hope Y'All's Will Understand' Dee!!
(Love You All....But Then, You All Already Knew That!!!)

Posted to the alt.surfing newgroup
From: (
Subject: Road To Hatteras(Part 1): Trying To Get Organized To Hit Da Trail!
Newsgroups: alt.surfing
Date: 2001-10-16 20:06:27 PST

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